North 2 (Tripoli-Dennieh-Minnieh) District

Disclaimer: This is information only, we are not endorsing any list or candidate, for a wider overview of the lists please check the following: Daleel Al Thawra, The Lebanese Diaspora Network, United Diaspora LB

North 2 Tripoli-Dennieh-Minnieh District


Number of Registered Voters in Lebanon 2021: 243,903

Number of Registered Voters in Diaspora 2021: 10,868

Voter Turnout 2018: 39.63%

TOTAL: 8 seats | Sunni (5 seats) | Maronite (1 seat) | Alaouite (1 seat) | Orthodox (1 seat)


Number of Registered Voters in Lebanon 2021: 71,657

Number of Registered Voters in Diaspora 2021: 3,026

Voter Turnout 2018: 51.16%

TOTAL: 2 seats | Sunni (2 seats) 


Number of Registered Voters in Lebanon 2021: 46,737

Number of Registered Voters in Diaspora 2021: 1,343

Voter Turnout 2018: 51.16%

TOTAL: 1 seat | Sunni (1 seat) 

Revolt for Justice and Sovereignty

entafed lil seyada lil 3adala
Camille Mourani

Camille Mourani –

كميل موراني

Political Affiliation: National Bloc

Seat: Maronite – Tripoli

Political Cluster: نداء ١٣ نيسان

Camille Mourani was born and raised in Tripoli in 1983. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Saint Joseph University and a Master’s degree in Business Administration. Mourani’s work is related to business management and marketing. He worked at Cash United and was Vice President of Total, where he advocated for the union. Mourani has been a political activist since the Syrian occupation. At the start of the October 17 revolution, Mourani created a space for revolutionaries to meet and plan initiatives. He is a member of the National Bloc Party and Nahwa Citizenship Association. 

Ghaleb Othman –

غالب عثمان

Seat: Sunni – Dennieh

Haidar Nasser

Haidar Nasser –

حيدر ناصر

Seat: Alawite – Tripoli

Haidar Nasser received a degree in medical surgery from the Lebanese University and a medical degree from Harvard University, where he focused on cancer pathology and treatment. Nasser earned certifications in Belgian and French hospitals where he trained in laparoscopic surgery, gastrointestinal surgery, primordial surgery, and tumor surgery. He has performed many surgeries in Lebanon and is a health and medicine lecturer at the Lebanese University. Dr. Nasser has received many awards, including the best unusual surgical case in laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery. He often provides free medical services for people in Lebanon.

Hind Al Soufi

Hind Al Soufi –

هند الصوفي

Seat: Sunni – Tripoli

Hind Al Soufi is an art critic, researcher, visual artist, and professor at the Lebanese University. She received a degree in Women’s Studies from Upsala University, a Master’s in Economics from Saint Joseph University, a DEA in Economics from Sorbonne Paris I, a DES in Fine Arts from the Lebanese University, and a Ph.D. in “Sciences of Art” at the University of Paris VIII. She’s an activist, author, and Head of the Civil Action Association for youth, women, and governance.

Malek Mawlawi

Malek Mawlawi –

مالك مولوي

Political Affiliation: Sabaa – سبعة

Seat: Sunni – Tripoli

Malek Malawi is a documentary producer and human rights advocate. He owns a broadcasting and media production company. Mawlawi actively opposes the ruling regime and is a former candidate for the 2018 Parliamentary Elections.

Mohammad Khalil –

محمد خليل

Seat: Sunni – Minnieh

Mostafa Al Aweek

Mostafa Al Aweek –

مصطفى العويك

Seat: Sunni – Tripoli

Mostafa Al Aweek was born and raised in Tripoli. He studied law at the Lebanese University and works at Carnegie Middle East. Al Aweek is a journalist at Annahar Newspaper and the Editor-in-Chief of the Lebanon Arabi electronic newspaper.

Rami Fanj

Rami Fanj –

رامي فنج

Seat: Sunni – Tripoli

Rami Fanj is the District Chair for a disaster relief organization.

Zakaria Messaykeh

Zakaria Messaykeh –

زكريا مسيكة

Seat: Sunni – Tripoli

“We strive to build a homeland where all Lebanese follow the law and are given equal rights and opportunities for a decent life.”

The Dawn of Change candidates united to save what remains of Lebanon. They reflect the principles of the revolution and aim to create a state of coexistence.

“We need cooperation and solidarity to save what remains of the country. We must renounce all forms of discrimination and conflict that led to the worst situation the country has reached in its history.”

Dawn of Change – فجر التغيير

Abdulaziz Tartoussi

Abdulaziz Tartoussi –

عبدالعزيز طرطوسي

Seat: Sunni – Tripoli

Abdulaziz Tartoussi believes those who elected Michel Aoun and supported the looting of $45 billion to satisfy Gebran Bassil should be held accountable. Tartoussi’s main priority is the livelihood of the Lebanese. He advocates for Lebanon to be part of the international monetary fund, emphasizing the importance of partnering with other Levantine countries. 

Anthony Eid –

انطوني عيد

Seat: Maronite – Tripoli

Bilal Chaaban

Bilal Chaaban –

بلال شعبان

Political Affiliation: حركة التوحيد الاسلامية

Seat: Sunni – Tripoli

Bilal Chaaban is a Sheikh and the Secretary-General of the Islamic Unification Movement. He aims to illuminate the commonalities between all humans and stands with the weak and oppressed. Shaaban stressed that Samir Geagea’s hands are still dripping with blood and that Geagea’s relationship with the Sunni sect is nothing but an electoral interest.

Hicham Ibrahim –

هشام ابراهيم

Seat: Alawite – Tripoli

Mohamad Alameddine

Mohamad Alameddine –

محمد علم الدين

Seat: Sunni – Minnieh

Mohammad Alameddine is a retired brigadier and lawyer. He was part of the Internal Security Forces and recently joined the Beirut Bar Association. He believes that there is no other solution to the current crisis other than to rebuild the country.

“Your voice is your weapon to hold accountable all those who conspired against us. Your voice today is your weapon for choosing the best candidate, the candidate who is the real representative.”

Mohammad Jbara

Mohamad Jbara –

محمد جباره

Seat: Sunni – Dennieh

Rabih El Sibai

Rabih El Sibai –

ربيع السباعي

Seat: Sunni – Dennieh

Rabieh El Sibai was born and raised in Tripoli. He is a Goodwill Ambassador and President of the Big Heart Association, which supports orphans and other children with learning disabilities. El Sibai was featured in the book “Flags of the Land of the Cedars” which honors virtuous Lebanese citizens.

“We are waging a confrontation during the parliamentary elections in all electoral districts, bearing a single and clear governance project, an alternative to a coalition of sects and money leaders, that simulates the people’s concerns and their actual reality.”


Mosbah Rajab

Misbah Rajab –

مصباح رجب

Political Affiliation: MMFD – مواطنون ومواطنات في دولة

Seat: Sunni – Tripoli

Misbah Rajab is a Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning at the Lebanese University.

Mohamad Zreika

Mohamad Zraika –

محمد زريقة

Political Affiliation: MMFD – مواطنون ومواطنات في دولة

Seat: Sunni – Minnieh

“After I received my medical degree, the choice to return to Lebanon was not easy. We all know what it means to live in Lebanon. I decided to return and live with my family in the hope of relieving them from the harshness of life.”

“Our present is the result of our previous choices. We need a new system that respects our humanity, regulates our relationships, and helps us achieve our goals.”

“I am here today to express that the existing order has not succeeded in making me lose hope. On the contrary, I believe more than ever that the establishment of a capable, free, and independent state has become an inevitable matter, and that we are all responsible for it.”

Mounir Doumani

Mounir Doumani –

منير دوماني

Political Affiliation: MMFD – مواطنون ومواطنات في دولة

Seat: Greek Orthodox – Tripoli

Mounir Doumani is a management consultant for several Lebanese companies. His work relates to communications, media, construction, real estate development, tourism, and public administration. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from the American University of Beirut, a Master’s in Communications Management from Syracuse University, and a Master of Business Administration from INSEAD in France. He worked for over ten years at a global consulting firm establishing strategies to develop and restructure private companies and government agencies in various Arab countries.

Nidal AbdelRahman

Nidal Abdel Rahman –

نضال عبدالرحمن

Political Affiliation: MMFD – مواطنون ومواطنات في دولة

Seat: Alawite – Tripoli

Obeida Takriti

Obeida Takriti –

عبيده تكريتي

Political Affiliation: MMFD – مواطنون ومواطنات في دولة

Seat: Sunni – Tripoli

Obeida Takriti is a social entrepreneur and an innovation coach who co-runs Beit el Nessim, a Bed & Breakfast and yoga center. He launched ZAD, a kitchen lab that creates local, healthy, unique food products. Takriti is an innovation coach at organizations like UNICEF, Oxfam, and Injaz, who helps young people develop their initiatives and business ideas. He received a Master’s degree in Public Policy and International Affairs from the American University in Beirut, a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the Lebanese University, and a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and Information Studies from the American University in Dubai.

Chafic Hassoun

Chafic Hassoun –

شفيق حسون

Political Affiliation: MMFD – مواطنون ومواطنات في دولة

Seat: Sunni – Dennieh

Chafic Hassoun is a process engineer.


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