South 3 Marjaayoun-Nabatieh-Hasbaiyya-Bint Jbeil District: Independent Candidates

Disclaimer: This is information only, we are not endorsing any list or candidate, for a wider overview of the lists please check the following: Daleel Al Thawra, The Lebanese Diaspora Network, United Diaspora LB

South 1 Saida-Jezzine District: Independent Candidates


Number of Registered Voters in Lebanon 2021: 118, 043

Number of Registered Voters in Diaspora 2021: 6,119

Voter Turnout 2018: 52.06%

TOTAL: 5 seats | Druze (1 seat) | Sunni (1 seat) | Shia (2 seats) | Orthodox (1 seat)


Number of Registered Voters in Lebanon 2021: 153,271

Number of Registered Voters in Diaspora 2021: 6,418

Voter Turnout 2018: 55.51%

TOTAL: 3 seats | Shia (3 seats)


Number of Registered Voters in Lebanon 2021: 49,042

Number of Registered Voters in Diaspora 2021: 2,465

Voter Turnout 2018: 44.43%

TOTAL: 5 seats | Druze (1 seat) | Sunni (1 seat) | Shia (2 seats) | Orthodox (1 seat)

Bint Jbeil: 

Number of Registered Voters in Lebanon 2021: 155,354

Number of Registered Voters in Diaspora 2021: 6,909

Voter Turnout 2018: 43.62%

TOTAL: 3 seats | Shia (3 seats)

The “Together Towards Change” candidates represent the Communist Party, Al-Talia, the Labor Organization, and other October 17 revolution groups. This group of diverse individuals united to form a single opposition list. 

Candidate Ali Wehbi says, “We are running in these elections with the vision and goals of the October 17 revolution. We want to work on democratic change, building a state of law and justice, and implementing a modern electoral law that will produce a civil state.”

Together Towards Change

Together Towards Change
Firas Hamdan

Firas Hamdan –

فراس حمدان

Seat: Druze – Marajaayoun-Hasbaiyya

Firas Hamdan was born in 1987 and is a lawyer and political activist from Kefir. He received a Master’s degree in Private Law from the Lebanese University. Hamdan was active in the Arab Spring movement in 2011 that aimed to overthrow the sectarian system and demand a regulated civil code. At the start of the October 17 revolution, Hamdan joined the Lawyers to Defend the Protesters Committee after the authorities were violent against protestors. At the Beirut Bar Association, Firas worked with Melhem Khalaf to try and restore the union’s independence from the parties in power.

Wassim Ghandour

Wassim Ghandour – وسيم غندور

Political Affiliation: Madinati

Seat: Shia – Nabatieh 

Political Cluster: نداء ١٣ نيسان

Wassim Ghandour is a social and political activist whose vision reflects the October 17 revolution. He believes that we must correct public finances, combat waste and corruption, and hold accountable the authorities who led the country to bankruptcy. If elected, Ghandour will prioritize solving the financial and energy issues.

“The Lebanese people are seeking change. This was expressed by the October 17 revolutionaries who took to the streets, including the streets of the south, to make their voice heard, expressing their rejection of the system based on quotas and clientelism.”

Ali Wehbi

Ali Wehbi –

علي وهبي

Seat: Shia – Nabatieh

Ali Wahabi is a dentist. His passion for social, cultural, and professional initiatives began in his early youth when he co-founded the Lebanese Democratic Youth Union in Nabatieh. He also headed one of the oldest cultural clubs in Nabatieh, the Al-Shafiq Club. Wahabi has been very active in the October 17 revolution and is running on its objectives.

Wafiq Rihan

Wafic Rihan –

وفيق ريحان

Seat: Shia – Nabatieh

Wafic Rihan was born in Kfarsir and grew up in Beirut’s suburbs. He worked at the Central Financial Inspection for over 30 years, which revealed the dangers that afflict Lebanese society due to political corruption. Rihan earned a doctorate in Public Law and was a postgraduate Professor of Public Law at the Lebanese University. In the 80s, he joined the Lebanese National Resistance Front in Jamoul and was arrested by the Israeli occupation. Rihan has been active in the October 17 revolution in Nabatieh. If elected, he will work to free the judiciary from political intervention, restore trust in Lebanon, and save the country from collapse.

Khalil Deeb –

خليل ذيب

Political Affiliation: Communist party

Seat: Shia – Bint Jbeil

Khalil Deeb is a member of the Lebanese Communist Party in Houla, Lebanon. He stands in solidarity with the people and is against the corrupt ruling authority. If elected, Deeb pledges to work legally and transparently to protect the people and their rights.

Hassan Bazzi

Hassan Adel Bazzi –

حسن عادل بزي

Political Affiliation: الشعب يريد إصلاح النظام

Seat: Shia – Bint Jbeil

Hassan Adel Bazzi was born in Bint Jbeil in 1974. He is a lawyer and human rights, civil, and political activist. Bazzi is a founding member and head of the People Want to Reform the System, which opposes the banking system’s political and financial corruption. He is also a founding member and president of the Lydia Association, which provides psychosocial support. Bazzi calls for “judicial reform and the independence of the judiciary to ensure that the judge is not serving the corrupt.”

Ali Mourad

Ali Mrad –

علي مراد

Political Affiliation: Amieh 17 Techrine – عامية ١٧ تشرين 

Seat: Shia – Bint Jbeil 

Political Cluster: Lebanese Opposition Front

Ali Mrad is a political activist, legal advisor, and Professor of Public Law at the Beirut Arab University. He earned a Master’s degree in European Union Law and International Trade Law from the University of Rennes in France and a Bachelor’s degree in Law from the Lebanese University. Mrad was on the Administrative Board of the Lebanese Association for Democratic elections (LADE) and published many papers related to constitutional and electoral laws. Brad reflects the principles of the October 17 revolution and represents all Lebanese.

Elias Jarade

Elias Jaradeh –

الياس جراده

Seat: Greek Orthodox – Marajaayoun-Hasbaiyya

Elias Jared was born and raised in the village of Ebel al-Saqi. He also grew up in Bekaa Shamaa, Qaraoun, Aita al-Fakhr, and Jib Jenin, where he went to public schools. Dr. Jarade is a corneal specialist and LASIK eye surgeon who restored sight to a blind man with an unprecedented surgery. He worked at the Beirut Eye Specialist Hospital and published multiple research papers there. Dr. Jarade is a patriot and human rights activist, which led to his arrest after high school. After his release, he attended the Lebanese University’s Medical School.  Dr. Jared was diagnosed with Méniére’s disease, which causes episodes of dizziness. Lebanese doctors cured him through surgery, while doctors in the United States and abroad failed to treat him properly. Dr. Jared is a cross-sectarian, regionalist who wants to give the Lebanese hope and strengthen their confidence in Lebanese doctors.

Mohammad Qaadaan –

محمد قعدان

Seat: Sunni – Marajaayoun-Hasbaiyya

“The Lebanese around the globe, we ask you to play a pioneering role in the recovery of our homeland.”

Nizar Rammal

Nizar Rammal –

نزار رمال

Political Affiliation: MMFD – مواطنون ومواطنات في دولة

Seat: Shia – Marajaayoun-Hasbaiyya

Nizar Rammal is married and grew up in Beirut. He worked with the Lebanese Transparency Association.

“My electoral manifesto is short: look around you, look through the eyes of the people you love and who love you, see what the country has become, you know who you should vote for and why.” 

“Our candidacy is a confrontation where we prioritize Lebanese kinship over any of our differences. There is always a risk of being part of a group project. It takes courage and responsibility for the choices we make. We will not accept our lives to be destroyed for us.”

Ibrahim Abdallah

Ibrahim Abdallah

ابراهيم عبد الله

Seat: Shia – Marajaayoun-Hasbaiyya

Ibraham Abdallah is representing the Depositors Union  (رابطة المودعين) with his candidacy. 

“What is the benefit if the leader lives and the homeland dies?”

Sawt Al Janub – صوت الجنوب

Mahmoud Chouaib

Mahmoud Chouaib –

محمود حسن شعيب

Political Affiliation: جنوبيون مستقلون

Seat: Shia – Nabatieh

Mahmoud Chouaib is an environmental and political activist opposed to sectarian political parties. He is the General Coordinator of the Independent Southern Front and on the founding committee of the October 17 revolution. Chouaib aims to represent oppressed Lebanese.

“Whoever considers himself a patriot and wants to restore his rights must confront the corrupt parties of the authority at the ballot boxes.”

Hussein Shaer –

حسين جهاد الشاعر

Seat: Shia – Bint Jbeil

Karim Hamdan

Karim Hamdan –

كريم حمدان

Seat: Druze – Marajaayoun-Hasbaiyya

Riad Issa

Riad Issa –

رياض عيسى

Seat: Sunni – Marajaayoun-Hasbaiyya

Riad Issa is a social activist, trade unionist, and politician. He helped establish civil, scout, youth, and human rights institutions. Issa is the President of Volunteers Without Borders, a non-profit that educates citizens on the importance of volunteer work and exercising their civic duties. Issa believes in the principles of the October 17 revolution and believes that we need to form a single opposition list whose main purpose is to remove the corrupt authorities. Issa’s mission is to rebuild Lebanon and the welfare of its citizens to reach a civil, just, and transparent state.

Abbas Charafeddine

Abbas Charafeddine –

عباس شرف الدين

Seat: Shia – Marajaayoun-Hasbaiyya


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